Post-Lisas butik
Unna dig en Lisa för själen!
egentillverkade dockor
Post-Lisas butik
Unna dig en Lisa för själen!
egentillverkade dockor
0768-99 07 69
0768-99 07 69
About me
About me
My name is Lisa Hellman. I work with different methods of energy healing. For me it is very important to follow my heart and to live in balance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I do my best to help others to do the same. I use different forms of body-orientated treatments to help people to heal from past trauma and other imbalances. In addition to working with my different treatment methods, I work with diet and nutrition, given that food is the fuel for our bodies and souls. I myself follow a diet that is a mixture of living food, Natural Hygiene, and raw food. I will gladly help others find their way to a healthier diet.
My knowledge of treatments and nutrition do not only come from studies, they also come from experience. In 2007, when I hit the famous wall, I was diagnosed with Exhaustion Syndrome. My first step towards a full recovery was to switch to a Living Food diet. On my journey to health I came in contact with various alternative treatment methods and different forms of spiritual communication. I came in contact with angel healing and got my first diploma in it in 2010.
Slowly but surely I got back on my feet again and returned to my full-time job as a teacher. But my desire to follow my heart and work with healing grew stronger by the day. I read an article about healing massage and thought that that would be a great way to combine my gift as a healer with a form of treatment that most people are familiar with, massage. I signed up for the first level course and fell for the method right away. I have worked with Kilden's healing massage since 2014.
I went back on disability again in 2016 due to a destructive work environment. I was diagnosed with PTSD and was sent to a therapist who recommended that I try Mindful Tapping. I found information about the method on Internet and signed up for the beginner's course. I found the method very helpful, so I continued with my training. I took all three levels in their training program and got trained as a teacher in the method. I have worked with Mindful Tapping since 2017.
I returned to my job as a teacher, but decided to follow my heart and work with my treatment methods. In 2018 I quit my teaching job, started my own company, and worked with my treatment methods.
After a few years of working with my alternative methods, I came in contact with the Emotion Code. As of 2022, I am a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner!
2010 diploma in Angel Healing from Maria Rosenlind
2019 certified in Kilden's healing massage from Irisindra utbildningar
2019 certified Step 3 Mindful Tapper from Center för Energy Psychology
2022 certified in the Emotion Code from Discover Healing
Telephone: 0768-99 07 69
Treatment room in Sannerud
Open: Mondays 11-18, or an agreed upon time
Member of Svenska friskvårdsförbund.
I have liability insurance and am sworn to confidientiality.